This is the Cinema4D tutorial that was written by Stephen Thornber. It's in Amigaguide format and is dead easy to follow. Download it NOW and crank up Cinema, you won't regret it. And don't forget the feedback.
Cinema Tutorial,................... size [255,319]

This is the Cinema tutorial that will be shown to our members on the 2nd June 1999. Please feel free to hit the link. It's in WordWorth format and should include screengrabs (hopefully).
Cinema Tutorial,................... size [25,642]

This is a picture done in Cinema4D at our first demo of Cinema. Please feel free to download it and use as you see fit.
Amiga pic............................... size [212,351]

Here is a tutorial on animation done in Cinema4D for our members on the 2nd June. Like the first Cinema tutorial, it's done in WordWorth and includes screengrabs. Feed back would be nice!!
Cinema Animation............. size [12,696]

On the 16th June, Dave Naylor presented a comms demo. Here, just for you, is an Amigaguide showing various configs for the software shown. All you have to do is edit as shown.
Daves guide to comms........ size [41,400]

This is a picture rendered in Cinema4D by the September winner in Amiga Format. Stephen Thornber.
Cinema4D picture by Stephen Thornber........ size [62,653]

Just a few wavs I've found. Depending how yer browser is set up, click them to here them.

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xfile mail.
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